Balancing the yin and the yang…and finding peace!

This has been (and continues to be) one of the greatest challenges of my life. How to balance the yin and the yang. How to counter my high intensity / masculine tendencies with softness, flow and being gentle with myself. 

WITHOUT…and here is the challenge…pendulating so far over that I tip into hyper yin mode - where I feel stuck in procrastination, low energy and struggle to move my dreams forward.

Finding the balance is key and the balance is unique to each and every one of us. We must play and try and fail until we find our individual sweet spot.

Note to self: And we must remove any pressure to get it right first time or find perfection! A perfect balance does not exist and the joy is in the experimnet!

So why is this important?

My life’s work is focused on Radiant Leadership:

  • I want women to make beautiful impact in this world (whatever that looks like to them) - to rise into positions of power / to contribute meaningfully to their communities / to make a difference


  • I want them to feel centred, peaceful, present and authentic whilst they are doing this - so they are enjoying life’s moments instead of pushing and rushing to get to an undefined finish line

And the reason I do this work? Because this is what I deeply desire for myself. I am ambitious, I want to make a difference, I want to leave this world a better place than when I entered it and I want to touch as many people as I can. 

BUT I do not want to do this to the detriment of my peace and my joyand my integrity and my relationships and my connection to self.

And I do believe we can have both. 

Finding flow between our yin and our yang feels like the answer

In order to find the balance between our impact and our peace…we must also find balance between our yin and our yang.

I have started to think about this as we emerge from winter and the signposts of spring are starting to show. With this I can feel a switch in my energy! Do you feel it?

Winter I felt more inclined to slow down and turn inwards. I focused on setting strong foundations for my life and my business - moving house (and countries), setting up a home and at work setting up systems and processes that mean we are clear and focused on where we pour our energy this year. 

And now…my energy is rising with the buds of spring…

Over the next couple of months, I am excited about:

  • A girls’ weekend to Amsterdam

  • An in person event in Manchester meeting so many of our glorious community

  • The weather - it is STUNNING here at the moment and with that comes a pull for hikes and swims and being outdoors with friends

  • A relaunch of our Radiant Leadership network and some new opportunities we are exploring within our business

  • An upcoming trip to India

All of this is quite outwards facing energy, yang, doing, moving, shining. And so I am concious that the more I go OUT…the more I must focus on balancing in with coming back IN. (Unless I want to crash and burn by April!)

Coming back to myself, listening, finding stillness, pausing, resting. This is what I need. I have many daily practices - intuitive yoga & movement, self reflection journalling, solo nature walks, drinking tea on my balcony, breathing.

I naturally ‘run hot’ - I am a Manifestor in Human Design, a Virgo with a terndency towards structure and getting shit done and a driven 41 year old woman with a bias towards action and impact - and therefore the more outward facing stuff has always come more naturally to me!

I have therefore had to be extra vigilant about coming back to myself, grounding and anchoring back into ME.

But for some of you you may run a little cooler! More inclined to the slower pace, the introspection, the hibernation! As so if this is you…what practices do you have in place to ramp the energy up…to balance your yin with some fiery yang. To move the energy through you and fire up your passion and life force energy?

Consider this balance through the many cycles of life

We can look at this through the many cycles of nature…Are you balancing your energy over the course of a day? How are you flowing through your week? And what about the season? We live in cycles within cycles and the art is with checking in with yourself time and time and time again. Making this THE priority.

And only you know what your sweet spot is. 

The balance is different for every single one of us…and it is also differenct for each of us at different phases and seasons of our life. So soz peeps…there is not checklist for me to give you or one size fits all handbook for how to get this ‘right’.

It starts with you getting to know you! 

Starting to become acquianted with when you feel centred, energised, creative, peaceful and engaged in life versus when you feel a little off kilter! And building awareness of whether you need a little more yin or a little more yang in your life at any given moment.

Here’s to finding our unique flow!

Laura xx

PS. If you are wanting to find the balance between impact AND inner peace, I am here to guide you. Drop me an email and we can discuss the different ways we could work together.

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