Do you wish to have the courage to live a life true to you?

I believe that I am here to share my outlook with you, so that you don’t feel beholden to the path you chose; so that you realise that you can change your circumstances at any time.

My belief is that each of us should try to live the truest life that we can; by that I mean the life that feels most ‘right’ for you.

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to me, rather than what others expected of me” is the top regret of the dying as found by Bronnie Ware. So let’s live by that!

It is SO HARD to do because what ‘success’ looks like in our society is extremely narrow and the opinions of others can be deafeningly loud. Especially when you want to be liked and approved of…anyone relate?!

It can be so confusing. And risky - life is passing by whilst you’re ignoring your inner voice and marching ahead, pouring energy into the path and plan that you chose.

Oh man, do I get it. I’ve been there time and time again, across all parts of life. At best it can be hard to make decisions, stressful, and overwhelming. At worst you might feel stuck, unfulfilled, frustrated, deeply lonely and sad.

I believe that you have wider choices than you think you do.

The great news??
Your inner knowing / instinct / intuition already holds the guidance you are looking for.

Only YOU know what is right for you. And……you already know. 😍

Try setting an intention to take notice and to listen out for your inner voice more. Ask for guidance and bravely listen out for the whispers.

Sending so much love. Katy xxx

Ps - if you would love guidance or mentoring with this, read about how my Life Coaching can change everything for you here.

Katy Brown